This file contains feedback collated during teaching for each session.
Modules (Daniel)
Daniel good presenter, speed OK. Also useful asides as we went along.
Importing modules
Interesting content and shortcuts.
Very good explanation of concepts.
Useful things to learn to see the difference between small changes in commands.
clear logic and described in detail. I feel as if I understand how the packages work and feel confident importing packages.
+1 to last comment. Also, it is nice to have some background as to how languages developed
after being so confused yesterday afternoon it felt to understand what was happening
good info on inporting modules
I was a bit slow setting directory in git bash (me not presenter)
Nees to be more focussed, relatively easy process but rabbit holes are too long. OK to follow questions but not too long.
Not much really.
A little slow at times.
A few too many tangents about information.
could go through some of the content a little quicker, like namespaces/conflicts
1.5 h
Module exercise (Daniel)
this information is hard but we all need it
good explanations
How do I remember all of this later? And when do we use this?
’#’ comment is so similar to R that it could have been presented concurrently with R
a bit slow in parts
IO (Kerensa)
All good!
Clear explanation, good examples
Good examples and explanations
Read/write Data
Explanations of what to do are good. The file path changes were a good demonstration of what needs doing.
Write files session was very clear and well worked through.
Interesting subjects and very useful
the reading in of a file, a new experience in python
- None
If only we had more time for exercises. I know time constraints.
Afternoon session. My brain was weakening. Thinking slowly.
had the for loop for the . .. … … exercise, knew there should have been something I could automate it with, but could not get it to happen.
File processing (Kerensa)
Useful content that we could apply to our data
Well organised, built on knowledge in an understandable way
Find Python a bit hard to get on … but it’s just me!
Good time management, clear logic and explanation
Good useful (in future) content
Explanations are good
Honestly thing this was a good session,
Confused at times, but it may have been me being slow.
Coffe break too late (11am)
Just my typing errors.
I could not make them all run.
Having heaps of trouble with long exercises where there is something small, technical “why are all my outputs empty for example” and just fall behind in content. I think I might be saying it is very difficult on the webex when there are small glitches