This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

file processing


Teaching: min
Exercises: min

Python excells at processing text files. This is because:

In this lesson, we will workshop an example using an input data file in fastq format.

To start, download your sample.fastq and save it into your data directory.

Reading in your file

Using the with statement, the open function, and a for loop, open this file and print its contents.

Hint Remember you will need to specify the ‘path’ to your file.


with open('data/sample.fastq') as f:
    for line in f:

fastq format

fastq files are plain text files that are used to store DNA sequences. After DNA has been extracted from a biological sample, the concentrated DNA is prepared and placed into a ‘sequencing’ machine. The machine ‘reads’ the DNA sequence, letter-by-letter (or, more accurately, base-by-base). However, it can only read a small number of bases in a row, let’s say 36. The machine spits out millions of these short, 36 base pair long reads. Researchers receive these DNA ‘reads’ in the form of a fastq file.

Within a fastq file, each short ‘read’ takes up four lines:

@SRR098032.1.1 HWI-EAS216:4:1:0:1752 length=36
+SRR098032.1.1 HWI-EAS216:4:1:0:1752 length=36

line 1: this is a ‘header’. It gives us information about the machine the sample was sequenced on, and some other technical metadata about the particular sequence read.

line 2: this represents the actual DNA sequence.

line 3: repeat of the header information. Note, however, it starts with ‘+’.

line 4: quality scores. Sequencing machines make mistakes, the technology is not perfect. Each character in this line represents a quality ‘score’.

We use processing a fastq file as an example in this lesson, not because everyone needs to know how to process fastq files, but because of this unique structure. It demonstrates a case where our data is not neatly structured into a table, and where each ‘entry’ in our data is made up of multiple lines.

Selecting lines

You can read in and print your fastq file with the following code:

with open('data/sample.fastq') as f:
    for line in f:

Modify this code, so that only ‘header’ lines are printed.


You could use an if statement.


with open('data/sample.fastq') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line[0] == '@' and len(line) > 36:

We know lines are read in as strings, which means we can perform any string operations on them.


What does this program do?

with open('data/sample.fastq') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line[0] == '@' and len(line) > 36:
           line.split(' ')

Read the documentation for line.split()

header fields

In our example, headers have the structure:

@SRR098032.1.1 HWI-EAS216:4:1:0:1752 length=36

We can see three ‘fields’, which are separated by spaces. The first of these is a unique identifier for the sequencing machine. All sequencing machines around the world have one, a bit like the sequencing machine’s barcode.

The second ‘field’ is a bit more complicated. When DNA is loaded into a sequencing machine, it is first placed on a disposable ‘flow cell’, which is a bit like a glass slide. This second field tells us the physical location of the DNA on the ‘flow cell’. This is of the form flow-cell ID:lane:tile:x-coord:y-coord

read metadata

why might it be important to record the phyical location of a sequence read on a flow cell?

The final field is more intuitive; it simply tells us that the length of the read is 36 bases.


Modify the code below, so that your program only prints out the flowcell information.

with open('data/sample.fastq') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line[0] == '@' and len(line) > 36:
           line.split(' ')

Your expected output is:



Further modify the program to print out only the coordinates.

Expected output:

0 1752
0 963
0 554
0 1229
0 475
0 834
0 1203
0 1123
0 1642
0 603
0 904
0 1572
0 1713

Writing output from one file to another

As a reminder, our general recipe for writing to a file is:

with open('data/out.txt') as f:
    f.write('some text')

How can we open one file, process its contents, and the processed contents to another file?

Chaining open functions after a with statement works:

with open('data/sample.fastq') as in_file, open('data/headers.txt', 'w') as out_file:
    for line in in_file:
        if line[0] == '@' and len(line) > 36:

write metadata

  1. Modify the example above so that only the flowcell metadata field is written out. Call your new file ‘metadata.txt’
  2. Modify the example again, makind a new file ‘metadata.csv’ where the individual components of the metadata are separated by , the contents of your new file should look like:
    HWI-EAS216, 4, 1, 0, 1752
    HWI-EAS216, 4, 1, 0, 963
    HWI-EAS216, 4, 1, 0, 554
    HWI-EAS216, 4, 1, 0, 1229
    HWI-EAS216, 4, 1, 0, 475
  1. CHALLENGE: Modify it again, making the file ‘metadata.tsv’. The fields should now be tab separated. Use the string join() method in your solution.

Listing files and regular expressions

We now know how to work with and process individual files. However, what if we have many similar files, that we want to do the same (automated) task on?

To practice this, please download and extract the following folder within your data folder: paired_fastq

We can generate a list of files in Python using a module with an unpleasant name:

import glob

The glob module contains a function, also called glob, that finds files and directories whose names match a pattern, i.e. regular expression. We provide those patterns as strings: the character * matches zero or more characters, while ? matches any one character.

We can use this to get the names of all the fastq files in our data directory:


As this example shows, glob.glob’s result is a list of file and directory paths in arbitrary order. This means we can loop over it to do something with each filename in turn.

File order

How would you generate an ordered list of files? Try it out.

Challenge exercises

You will notice that in our ‘data/fastq’ directory, we have files with very similar names, that differ only in _1 or _2. The reads in these files ‘belong’ together. In fact, they originate from the same fragment of DNA (short DNA fragments are read from both ‘ends’, reads from one end are stored in the _1 file and reads from the second end are stored in the _2 file.

  1. Write a python program that checks if two fastq files (from read 1 and read 2) have the same number of lines.
  2. Turn the program in (1) into a function.
  3. Write a for loop to check that all the pairs of fastq files have the same number of lines. Hint: use your function!

Extension exercise

Write a Python program that processes two separate paired end read files and turns them into one interleaved file, where the four lines of the read from file 1 are directly followed by the four lines of the read from file 2. Hint: you will need to use the f.readline() method, and a while loop.

File formats

Do you have data that doesn’t fit into a standard rows and columns format? Is it machine generated? Describe it to your classmates. Could you process it using the tools in this lesson?

Key Points