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Configuring Git
Introducing Vim
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To enter INSERT mode, type i
To get back to NORMAL mode hit esc
To save a file, type :w in NORMAL mode
To quit vim, type :q in NORMAL mode
Our first repo
Initializing a Git repository is simple: git init
Commits should be used to tell a story.
Git uses the .git folder to store the snapshots.
Undoing things
Git history can be reverted without modifying it
Once changes are committed they are safe
Changes that are not committed can be deleted
Sharing repositories online
A repository can have one or multiple remotes
A remote serves as a full backup of your work.
git push sends local changes to the remote
git pull gets remote changes onto your local machine.
A remote allows other people to collaborate with you
Collaborating through GitHub
git clone makes a local copy of a remote repository
Sharing a remote allows colleagues to collaboratively work on the same files
Conflicts happen when two different versions of a file can’t be automatically merged
Conflicts need to manually resolved and the changes committed