This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Introduction to git

This is the material for the CSIRO Data School introduction to Git.


The only prerequisites are an installation of Git and Git Bash. You will also need a GitHub account, but this can be created during the lessong


Setup Download files required for the lesson
09:30 1. Motivation Why version control?
Why Git?
09:40 2. In-browser session Where are we heading?
10:00 3. Configuring Git How do we configure git?
What are our options for text editors?
10:30 4. Introducing Vim What is Vim?
Why should I put in the effort to learn it?
What are the alternatives?
11:00 5. Break Break
11:20 6. Our first repo What is a repository?
How does Git operate?
How do I make commits?
How do I select what to commit?
12:20 7. Undoing things How can I undo things?
12:45 8. Break Break
13:35 9. Sharing repositories online How can I set up a public repository online?
How can I clone a public repository to my computer?
14:20 10. Collaborating through GitHub How can I access repositories already online?
How does version control scale from 1 to N users per repository?
15:20 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.