Sharing repositories online
Last updated on 2024-07-31 | Edit this page
- How can I set up a public repository online?
- How can I clone a public repository to my computer?
- To get a feeling for remote repositories.
- Learn how to publish a repository on the web.
- Learn how to fetch and track a repository from the web.
In this episode, we will publish our guacamole recipe on the web. Don’t worry, you will be able to remove it afterwards.
From our laptops to the web
We have seen that creating Git repositories and moving them around is simple and that is great.
So far everything was local and all snapshots are saved under
If we remove .git
, we remove all Git history of a
But… - What if the hard disk fails? - What if somebody steals my laptop? - How can we collaborate with others across the web?
To store your git data on another computer, you use remotes. A remote is like making another copy of your repository, but you can choose to only push the changes you want to the remote and pull the changes you need from the remote.
You might use remotes to: - Back up your own work. - To collaborate with other people.
There are different types of remotes: - GitHub is a popular, closed-source commercial site. - GitLab is a popular, open-core commercial site. Many universities have their own private GitLab servers set up. - Bitbucket is yet another popular commercial site.
CSIRO has an enterprise bitbucket server available for staff use. It offers a nice HTML user interface to browse the repositories and handles many things very nicely. Accounts use your CSIRO credentials.
Create a new repository on Bitbucket
- Login at
- Click on your user profile icon, in the top-right corner, then “View Profile”
- Click “Create Repository”
On this page choose a repository name and description (screenshot).
After you then click “Create repository”, you will see a page similar to:
Note that this screen is telling us exactly what to do to get started
depending on different scenarios: 1. If creating the Bitbucket
repository was the very first thing we’d done, before starting work
(great forward planning!) then we could clone the
empty repository and start working in it. 2. If we’d started
working on files, but had never run git init
and started
performing local git opertaions, then it tells us how to now start
tracking those files. However, it also then tells us how to link to this
online repository, adding it’s url as the “remote origin”, through
git remote add
. This is where we are. 3.
The final scenario would be less used. It’s only for when a repository
had already been linked to a remote but now you’d like change it to
point this new one instead.
Creating the repository on Bitbucket effectively did the equivalent to this on the Bitbucket servers:
Linking our local repository to Bitbucket
To be able to send our local changes to Bitbucket, we need to tell
the local repository that the one we just created on Bitbucket’s servers
exists. To do this, we add a ‘remote’. Git repositories can have any
number of remotes, although it is by far the most common to only use
one. Each git remote is given a name so that it can be referred to
easily. The default remote name is origin
As noted above, Bitbucket has provided us the instructions for how to do this under the scenario:
My code is ready to be pushed
- Go back to your guacamole repository on your computer.
- Check that you are in the right place with
git status
. - We’ll copy and paste the instructed commands from Bitbucket,
however, we’ve already run
git init
and already committed files, so we can ignore the first several steps, so… - Copy and paste just the last two lines to the terminal and execute those, in my case (you need to replace the “user” part and possibly also the repository name if you gave it a different one):
$ git remote add origin<user>/recipe.git
$ git push -u origin HEAD:main
You should now see something similar to:
Counting objects: 4, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 259.80 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
* [new branch] main -> main
branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'.
Refresh your Bitbucket project website and - taa-daa - your commits should now be online!
What just happened? Think of publishing a repository as
uploading the .git
part online.
When those two lines of code were run, two commands were given. The
first was to add a reference to the Bitbucket repository, and call it
The second was to push our local changes to that remote. That command was:
git push -u origin main
This is in the format:
git push -u <remote-name> <branch-name>
If you’ve got a simple repository with only one remote and one
repository, you can simply run git push
Challenge 1
Make a change to your project and commit the changes locally.
Push the changes to your BitBucket remote.
What information can you access about the commit you just made?
Getting changes from the remote
Of course we don’t want information to only go one way - if the
remote has changes to the project from a collaborator we need to get
those onto our local machine. To do this, we’re doing the opposite of a
, so it’s helpfully called a pull
Challenge 2
Make a change to your repository using the Bitbucket web interface:
1. Click on a file and then click ‘Edit’ (top right) 2. Write something
new and then click ‘Commit’ (bottom left) 3. Fill in commit message (as
if you were doing a commit -m "something"
) and click
‘Commit’ again
Once you’ve made a change, use git pull
in your terminal
to get the changes onto your local machine.
Inspect the history with git log
Similar to git push
, if you have multiple remotes and
branches, you need to specify which you are referring to by using the
format git pull <origin-name> <branch-name>
but for our purposes git pull
is sufficient.
Key Points
- A repository can have one or multiple remotes
- A remote serves as a full backup of your work.
git push
sends local changes to the remote -
git pull
gets remote changes onto your local machine. - A remote allows other people to collaborate with you