This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)


The following exercises are based on some real project data and are designed to give more practice with SQL statements, especially SELECT queries, following on from the SQL Introduction tutorial.

Input data may be downloaded here

A DNA/RNA sequence alignments and annotations database

For a research project looking at the plant species Hieracium, a large quantity of sequences of various types (DNA, RNA, predicted proteins) had been accumulated, from a large number of varieties/samples. Further information had been built up in relation to these sequences, e.g. gene predictions, alignments to annotation databases, SNPs, expression data, etc..

A system for storing and querying this data resource was developed, which made use of an SQL backend. An initial simple representation of the data being stored, where each box is a separate table, might be:

Sequence tables fig 1

However, an additional important detail we wanted to capture was the relations between our sequence records themselves. E.g. an RNA sequence may be fully contained within a longer DNA sequence, which is itself a sequence record in the database. Or an annotated protein sequence may have originated from a DNA sequence. Essesntially, the Sequences table has a many-to-many releationship to itself.
To capture such hierarchical relationships between sequence records, another table is needed that defines these connections.

Sequence tables fig 2

The final database design for this project ended up looking something like this:

Sequence tables fig 3

However, for this example exercise, we’re just going to play with a subset of data from a simplified subset of the database, which just looks like this:

Sequence tables fig 4

The tables and their columns are as follows:

id integer, primary key
name string
length integer
belongsGroup integer, FK
isSample integer, FK
isType integer, FK
id integer, primary key
name string
species string
description string
id integer, primary key
name string
description string
id integer, primary key
type string
id integer, primary key
parentSeq integer, FK
childSeq integer, FK
strand boolean
pStart integer
pEnd integer
cStart integer
cEnd integer
method string
id integer, primary key
onSequence integer, FK
start integer
end integer
strand boolean
name string
annotation string
species string
source string
method string
score string


  1. In real use, the ’sequence’ table would also contain a column for the actual DNA/RNA/protein sequences each sequence row represents (e.g. AGCATGCTAG…) but that is left out of this exercise to reduce file size. As is, the ’sequence’ table just contains details about sequences.

  2. FK = Foreign key, i.e. an ID referencing a row of a different table, creating association.

  3. The ‘seqRelation’ has 2 foreign keys, both back to the sequence table, ‘childSeq’ and ‘parentSeq’. This pair defines a relationship between two sequences- that a ‘childSeq’ is a sub-sequence of a ‘parentSeq’ or that a ‘childSeq’ aligns onto a ‘parentSeq’. For example, a gene sequence that originates within a longer genome sequence, may be defined with a child/parent relationship.