This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Lesson Title: Feedback


Note: refers to Ondrej’s original material, not material in this repo.



Great tone ++

Interactive +

Good ‘proof of concept’

Lots of good content

Nice to see how scientific computing works

Content is not too difficult (for me).


Too fast with setup

Use screenshots to guide people through

Start with ‘BIG’ picture first.

If the instructor has different setup, maybe we can just screenshare so that we all move through together. It will be quicker step by step / smoother.

Would prefer some more high level description of how it all works togehter - like the putty / ssh / clusters diagram.

I never know what I am supposed to see when downloads are done.

A few too many digressions from the topics us newcomers need.

Build Nat’s flowchart beginning at start of module session.