
Figure 1

Piled Higher and Deeper by Jorge Cham,

Figure 2

Changes Are Saved Sequentially

Figure 3

Different Versions Can be Saved

Figure 4

Multiple Versions Can be Merged

In-browser sessionIn-browser session

Figure 1

BitBucket example screen

Configuring Git

Our first repo

Figure 1

git staging and committing

Undoing things

Branching and merging

Figure 1

Linear git repository

Figure 2

Merging branches

Figure 3

Git collaborative graph

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Conflict resolution

Figure 1

Figure 2

Sharing repositories online

Figure 1

Create new repo on bitbucket

Figure 2

Bitbucket repo setup page

Collaborating with git repositories

Figure 1

Bitbucket repo fork

Figure 2

bitbucket pull request menu

Figure 3

bitbucket pull request menu

Figure 4

Person 1: 1. One person from each team should create a new Bitbucket repository named ‘favourite-things’. 2. Copy the supplied git clone command to create a local copy. 3. Locally, create a file named and list a few of your favourite things within it. 4. Use git add, git commit and git push to move your new file back to the remote. 5. In the Bitbucket repository, click ‘Repository Settings’ in the lefthand menu, followed by ‘Repository permissions’. Use the form to give “User access” with “Write” permissions to your team member(s). bitbucket pull request menu
6. Share the repository link to your team member(s).

Making git citable

What to not add to Git