Swagger Specification


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 1 min
  • What is the purpose of the Swagger specification in API development?

  • Introduce the Swagger UI for NCBI Datasets.

Swagger Specification and User Interface

Swagger Specification is a document that describes the entire API, including endpoints, request parameters, response formats, authentication methods, and other metadata. Users can explore and test API endpoints directly through the Swagger User Interface.


Let’s try interacting with the NCBI Datasets here: NCBI Datasets.

The NCBI Datasets OpenAPI 3.0 spec is available in YAML format and can be utilized by a variety of open-source tools and other software frameworks to generate client code for interacting with the REST API in a way that is idiomatic for the target language or environment.

Key Points

  • Swagger standardizes API documentation and provides interactive tools for exploring and testing API endpoints.