CSIRO Ag&Food Data School

Intro to command lines and Git, revision activities

Morning 3 shell script challenge

  1. Change Directory back to your work folder on the Bowen drive (/{letter}/work/{COHORT}/{IDENT}/)

  2. And then into content/week01/shell-intro/

  3. Write a script named first_n_last.sh that, when given a list of files as argument(s), will, for each file (hint: for and $@), do the following:
    • Print (echo) the file name
    • Print the first line of the file
    • Print the last line of the file
    • Print “——–” (Note, these are each separate steps, on different lines, within your loop)
  4. Try running your script on exercise-data/creatures/*.dat
    You should see:
     COMMON NAME: basilisk
     COMMON NAME: minotaur
     COMMON NAME: unicorn
  5. Repeat 4., but direct the output to a file named creatures_first_n_last.txt
    (Do not modify the script to achieve this, do it through the command line when running the script)
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