git continued

This lesson follows on from the git introduction. We will do a quick refresher, then focus on managing branches, and how to make particular points in git history citeable.


A basic understanding of git (from the introductory lesson) will be assumed.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction & Refresher How do I add changes to a git repository?
How do I work with a remote git repository?
00:20 2. Undoing things How can I undo things from git history?
00:40 3. Branching and tags How can I or my team work on multiple features in parallel?
How can I permanently reference a point in history, like a software version?
01:35 4. Merging How to combine the changes of parallel tracks of work?
02:20 5. Avoiding conflicts How should we organize branches to avoid conflicts?
02:30 6. Interrupted work How can Git help us to deal with interrupted work and context switching?
02:45 7. Making git citable How can we make a particular git commit citable?
03:15 8. Advanced exercises Can I stretch myself gitwise?
03:15 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.